3 Ways an Audiologist Can Help You
An audiologist serves multiple purposes for patients suffering from hearing loss symptoms. Not only do they treat all ages, but they are the best source of hearing health information. From small to big things, these are the professionals that provide the services necessary to improve hearing health.
1. Making a decision on hearing aids
For first time users of hearing aids, it can be tough trying to figure out what the best device is. An audiologist serves as a guide and has all of the necessary information to help patients make the right decision. This includes making a choice on hearing aids by price, functionality, manufacturer and even future-proofed features. Bluetooth may not be beneficial to a user when they first get hearing aids, but could be a defining feature later on. To make sure information like this isn’t overlooked, audiologists educate their patients on all applicable hearing aid devices.
2. Hearing loss prevention
Prevention in the audiology community is necessary to keep vital parts of hearing health normalized. An audiologist is up to date on all of the latest techniques and can answer any burning questions a patient may have. Some of this information isn’t widespread and may come as a surprise to a lot of people. Learning about and practicing preventive techniques helps in avoiding exposure to illnesses. Ear infections are common in children, and should be avoided by staying on top of hearing health. The road to better health doesn’t end with hearing aids and is only the beginning. With the right professional, beneficial hearing information will always be available.
3. Tinnitus relief options
There are a lot of treatments for tinnitus, with some being more involved than others. Tinnitus is a ringing sound in the ears that won’t go away. It has also been described as buzzing, whistling, humming and other similar sounds. The problem is it can only be heard by the individual experiencing it, and in certain circumstances detected by special devices. When an audiologist goes through tests to determine tinnitus, they also have to make a final decision on the best approach to treating it. Since the symptoms affect quality of life, tinnitus ends up being a bigger problem than regular hearing loss.
Audiologists are familiar with a number of tinnitus relief methods, such as hearing aids or tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT). Hearing aids often have features that can help mask tinnitus sounds, providing relief for those suffering from it. TRT is also a common option to help retrain your auditory system on what it’s hearing. Additionally, audiologists can combine therapy with hearing aids to get the best results with fighting tinnitus.
If you’re suffering from hearing loss, tinnitus or simply need to upgrade your aging hearing devices, schedule an appointment with an audiologist in your area. Your audiologist will be able to help you on your path to better hearing.