The Dos and Don’ts of Hearing Aid Repair
Like any electronic, your hearing aids will likely malfunction from time to time. While hearing aids have many hours of science and engineering packed into each device, sometimes things can go wrong. Should you begin to hear intermittent noises, feedback or no noise at all, it is likely time your hearing aids need some TLC.
There are many issues that can be solved at home, with simple troubleshooting tips. Consider the following dos and don’ts for hearing aid repair.
Try troubleshooting
Do try troubleshooting at home. Make sure the hearing is turned on and the volume is set an appropriate level (not too high, not too soft). Check the battery to ensure it is working properly or merits replacement. Look at the exterior of the hearing aid, as well; if it is covered in debris or earwax, take a cloth or wax pick to it to remove any particles that could be causing sound issues. Lastly, make sure any tubing is intact and free of moisture.
Use a dehumidifier
Do try a dehumidifier if your hearing aids get wet. Try as we might, sometimes hearing aids get wet. Whether they fall into the toilet or you jump in the swimming pool while still wearing your aids, you can attempt to dry your devices out by placing them in a dehumidifier device. Dehumidifiers or dryers can remove moisture from hearing aids while sanitizing them. While these devices are typically used as a preventive measure to help keep your hearing aids operating at peak performance, there’s always a chance they could help restore wet hearing aids.
Contact your hearing professional
Do contact your hearing healthcare professional if your troubleshooting steps fail to bring your hearing aids back to adequate levels of service. Your audiologist or hearing aid specialist will be able to assist you in detecting what type of repair is needed. Furthermore, by working with your hearing healthcare professional, you may be able to save money in the overall repair.
Check out your warranty
Do look at your warranty to see what types of repairs the manufacturer covers. Having knowledge about your warranty can empower you to save money while steering you in the right direction when seeking repairs.
Don’t take your hearing aid apart
Don’t try taking your hearing aid apart. Hearing aids are like tiny computers; there’s more to the inside than meets the eye. Taking the hearing aids apart will void any warranty associated with the hearing aid and could render them useless, costing you more money in the long run.
Don’t ignore the problem
Don’t ignore the problem. Hearing aids are there to assist you and make your life better, not worse. If your hearing aid is uncomfortable or provides poor sound quality, contact your hearing healthcare professional, should any troubleshooting tips fail to bring the hearing aid back up to par.