What Is Tinnitus?
Many sufferers of tinnitus think that every case of the condition is the same. But actually, this is not true. Tinnitus describes the condition where a patient is aware of a sound and can hear it that is not from something outside of their head.
The sounds that people hear can vary from buzzing to ringing bells, to a whistle or whirring noise. It can even be portions of music, but this is not an earworm. Your ears are actually picking up on noise.
It is important to understand that the condition is incredibly common and can be constant or recurring. Loud noises often result in tinnitus. This could be caused by attending music concerts regularly, working in a noisy environment or simply listening to music through earphones at a volume that is too loud.
There are two types of tinnitus. These are subjective and objective.
Approximately ten percent of people experience some form of tinnitus, and half find that it impacts their quality of life. Subjective tinnitus is the most common and can only be heard by the individual. The objective is much less common. It is usually due to physical impacts such as an ear abnormality that increases blood flow. An audiologist examining the patient will be able to hear the noise.
Causes of tinnitus
There are various causes of tinnitus. For instance, hearing loss may develop with some form of tinnitus. However, it is important to realize that one in three people who develop tinnitus have no issue with their hearing at all.
Of course, loud noise can be a cause as previously discussed and exposure to loud noises constantly will damage the hearing. Head injuries, ear infections, and ear infections can cause tinnitus. In the case of an ear infection, it is typically due to the buildup of fluid behind the eardrum.
Research has even shown higher levels of stress can cause that tinnitus. The more stress you’re under, the more likely you are to develop issues with tinnitus.
Best way to avoid tinnitus
The best way to avoid developing tinnitus is to protect your ears from loud noises. You can do this with special earplugs, and you might notice singers wearing these on stage. Drummers also need to wear these earplugs due to the loud volume of their instrument and how close they are to the source. The effects of tinnitus cannot be reversed, but they can be treated.
Sound machines, retraining therapy and hearing aids can all be used to treat tinnitus, though hearing aids are perhaps the most effective solution. A hearing aid at the right frequency on the correct program can cancel out the noise you are hearing. This will allow you to hear without the constant noise that has been haunting you, perhaps for years.