Common Hearing Aid Malfunctions
It’s common to become frustrated when technology doesn’t work the way it is supposed to work. Whether you’re dealing with a malfunctioning printer, a haywire GPS device or anything in between, it’s easy to blame the technology, even if we don’t understand how the gadget works.
Hearing aids are no different. Hearing aids are small electronic devices worn in or behind the ears; they work by amplifying sounds, enabling a person who suffers from hearing loss to listen, communicate and participate in life more effectively and fully.
While hearing aids are highly advanced pieces of equipment that include years of research and development, they can still malfunction is not properly cared for or due to aging. Luckily, because of the technology within the hearing aids, malfunctions aren’t often caused by something within the hearing aids’ software. Instead, issues with the hardware, such as the earpiece, battery, case or shell, typically cause malfunctions. Because of this, there are a number of ways to try troubleshooting hearing aids at home before taking them in for repairs.
Common issues with hearing aids
When it comes to hearing aid issues, there are a number of different things that can happen. For example, a hearing aid that isn’t turning on can be caused by a depleted battery or blockage in the receiver tube. To troubleshoot this hearing aid problem at home, simply replace the current batteries with a fresh pair and clean the device thoroughly.
A blockage in the receiver tube may also cause a reduction in the amplification of the sound, making noises harder to hear. A deep cleaning of the receiver tube will likely take care of the muffled noise.
If the sound amplified comes in intermittently, distorted, unclear or with static, the battery is likely running low. Replacing the battery should discontinue all issues.
If you follow these steps and still have difficulties with your hearing aids, it’s a good idea to take them to your audiologist to ensure there isn’t a bigger problem.
Next steps
Even if your at-home attempts to get your hearing aids working properly weren’t successful, there is still hope for your devices. Audiologists are well versed and skilled when it comes to repairing hearing aids, many small malfunctions can be completed in their office. In the event they are unable to make hearing aid repairs in the office, your audiologist will send them to the manufacturer to have them more thoroughly checked.
If your hearing aids need to be sent to the manufacturer for repairs, speak with your audiologist about what you can do in the meantime to function without your devices.