How to Find an Audiologist
Your family and friends say you need a hearing test. You’ve noticed that some sounds are muffled and it’s difficult to hear the TV. Despite an internet search for a specialist, you just aren’t sure which websites offer the best content. Here’s what to look for on an audiologist’s website.
The main page
The website should be easy to navigate and easy to read. Most will offer different sections, such as: “About Us,” “Services,” “Testimonials” and “Hearing Aids.” It’s important to find a website that provides not just a good deal of information, but the right kind. You don’t have to read it all at once, but finding a website that answers many of your questions is a good thing! Often you’ll find pictures and location information with a map on the main page so you can recognize the office when you go to your appointment.
Important content
As you look through the menus and investigate the website, check the “About Us” section and/or “Meet the Staff.” Here you’ll find photos, bios and education and experience regarding the audiologists on staff. It’s easier to meet someone when you know a little about them, especially if you’re uneasy about your first appointment.
A complete website should provide up-to-date articles or blogs about hearing aids, hearing loss and other pertinent materials to give you a better idea of what to expect. With a lot of material to offer, the visit to the audiologist’s website becomes a “one-stop shop” for you. There should be website pages concerning expertise and specialties, reviews and testimonials, and several different ways to contact the office via email, telephone, the internet, or even Facebook and Twitter.
Many audiologists have blogs and post updates and educational material. One caveat when it comes to website content: be sure it’s up to date! Check the dates on the blog entries and articles to determine when the website was last updated. Because many new developments happen rapidly in the audiology world, you want to be sure you’re getting the latest and best information.
You may find a schedule for free classes or open houses where you will have a chance to meet the audiologist and staff prior to any appointment. Sometimes, insurance information and patient forms are available online to download prior to your visit.
Additional information
Once you’ve had a chance to review some of the articles on the website and learn more about what an audiologist does and what to expect at your first appointment, you’ll definitely want to look for any patient testimonials or reviews. This can provide you a glimpse into how your audiologist interacts with patients and provides you with an individual’s real experience.
It may be a little unnerving to prepare for a visit to the audiologist. But because good hearing is vital, it’s essential to have as much information as possible prior to your appointment. You’ll be glad you did the research so you know what to look for on an audiologist’s website when selecting one!