Preparing for a Hearing Test
If you think you are suffering from hearing loss, it’s a good idea to call your primary care physician. Better yet, calling an audiologist can save you time and money. An audiologist is a trained healthcare professional who can diagnose and treat hearing loss. They will run a series of tests during an initial visit to figure out the type and degree of hearing loss you have in order to provide a treatment plan. Consider the following information and tips and tricks as a helpful guide for how to prepare for your hearing test appointment.
Write down your history
New medical appointments can make anyone nervous. As such, it is important to take time before the appointment to write down the following information:
- Symptoms you’ve been experiencing
- Key medical information
- Summary of work history
Write down your questions
If you’ve never been to an audiologist before, you likely have many questions. Make sure to write down any questions that pop into your head and bring them to the appointment. Common questions include:
- What tests will you perform?
- Will the tests hurt?
- What’s the cause of my hearing loss?
- Should I stop taking my current medications?
- How can we treat my hearing loss?
- Will my hearing loss ever be cured?
- How much do hearing aids cost?
- Does insurance cover any of the costs?
- Will I wear hearing aids forever?
Prepare some answers
Along with your overall health history, be prepared to answer some questions from the audiologist as well. Common questions from audiologists include:
- Can you describe your symptoms?
- Do you have pain in either ear?
- Do you hear a ringing, roaring or hissing in either ear?
- Do your symptoms include dizziness or balance issues?
- Do you have a history of trauma to the ear, including ear infections or surgery?
- Have you ever worked in an overly noisy environment? Were you given ear protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, to wear?
- How much does your perceived hearing loss affect your daily life?
Don’t be afraid to talk to your audiologist about what to expect when you have your hearing tested. The audiologist wants you to be comfortable and confident in their process, so discuss any concerns or questions you may have beforehand.