Tips for Camping with Hearing Aids
Summertime means camping for many Americans. The lure of the cool rivers, rugged dirt trails and campfire smell are memories made for the warm months. For those 48 million Americans who have been diagnosed with some degree of hearing loss, camping can feel like it brings additional challenges for keeping hearing aids safe from those beloved elements.
If you’re planning a trip to the great outdoors this summer, try these quick tips for camping with hearing aids.
Plan your activities
For example, rivers and lakes put hearing aid wearers at extra risk for getting their devices wet. If your campsite includes a waterway, make sure to bring a waterproof container for your hearing aids. Waterproof containers can be found in the water sports section of sporting goods stores. These containers are also advantageous for overnight storage, as tents can gather condensation from the ground, which could soak onto hearing aids left on the floor of the tent.
Additionally, dirt trails, while offering a fun environment for hiking and biking, can create dust and debris, which can get lodge in the tiny crevices and pores of the hearing aid. If your camping trip includes dirt biking, ATVing or hiking, make sure to give your hearing aids a thorough cleaning when you return from your trail adventure.
Pack the basic tools
You’ll need your basic tools, such as a hearing aid cleaning brush, an ear hook, wax pick or wire loop or a multitool, which is a sort of “Swiss Army Knife†of hearing aid cleaning tools. Check for dirt and grime, which can cause static or feedback.
For in the ear hearing aids, use a soft-bristle toothbrush to concentrate on the holes in the device, the microphone ports. Make sure to clean off the wax by cleaning the openings with the brush. Angle the brush downward to any particles will fall out of the hearing aid instead of the inside the holes. Next, use a wax pick or hook to clear anything out of the inner holes. Complete the cleaning by wiping your hearing aid with a clean, dry cloth or tissue.
For behind the ear hearing aids, first look at the device for any earwax or debris and remove it with a wax pick. Then, take the earmold off from the hook and clean it with soapy water.
Watch the heat
Lastly, the heat of a campfire is alluring, but exposure to intense heat is a danger to hearing aids. Avoid placing your hearing aids next to a fire or in direct sun light. Doing so can permanently damage your devices. Instead, store your devices in your waterproof container in a cool, shady place.
Summer is the perfect time to get out and enjoy all the sounds and experiences nature has to offer. Camping with hearing aids doesn’t have to be a hassle, just follow a couple of these easy tips to ensure your devices remain in optimal condition.