What Happens When Hearing Aids Need Repairs?
The average lifespan of a hearing aid is five to seven years. This is a long time considering the fact that hearing aids are delicate devices worn several hours a day. However, it is common for hearing aids to break down or experience problems that require repairs. When your hearing aids need repairs, there are several things to consider during the process. From warranty to which professional you should visit, we’ve got a list of different things to consider if your hearing aids need repairs.
Troubleshooting hearing aid repairs
If your hearing aids aren’t working the way you’re accustomed to, the first step is to inspect your device for any cracks or damage you can see. If your hearing aids have no visible damage, you’ll want to give them a thorough cleaning. Care and maintenance are crucial to increasing the longevity of your devices, so if you haven’t cleaned them in a while this is an excellent place to start. Next, you’ll want to replace the batteries to see if this helps remedy the problem you’re experiencing. In the event these troubleshooting tips don’t resolve the issues, your hearing aids may require repairs from your audiologist.
Hearing aid warranty
Many hearing aids come with a two-year warranty. If your devices came with this kind of warranty and they break down within the first two years, then you should be able to get them repaired with no or minimal cost to you. You’ll want to check with your provider to better understand your specific device warranty. However, the great thing about hearing aid warranties is that oftentimes, they cover total losses in addition to repairs for a one-time replacement. This means that even if your hearing aid is completely destroyed accidentally, you have a good chance of getting it replaced, once your deductible is paid.
Talk to your audiologist
Hearing aid repairs can cause several disruptions to your everyday life. If you suspect your hearing aid needs repairs, schedule an appointment with your audiologist as soon as possible. If your hearing aid does require repairs, you’ll want to have them assessed before the damage worsens. Additionally, your audiologist will be able to discuss with you any issues your hearing aids have, and whether replacement or repair is necessary. Your audiologist is the best professional to inspect your hearing aids, so don’t hesitate to call them if you’re unhappy with their performance.