When Should you Consider Buying a new Hearing aid?
Hearing aids typically have a lifespan of around three to five years, providing that they are well cared for and your hearing requirements do not change during this time. Despite this, many hearing loss sufferers find that their aids function well and continue to fulfill their needs for several more years beyond this time frame. So, the age of your existing hearing aid should not necessarily be a deciding factor in the decision to purchase a replacement. However, there are a couple of instances in which choosing a newer hearing aid may be your best option:
Are your aids still meeting your needs?
It is quite common for hearing loss sufferers to experience a subtle and gradual decline in their hearing capabilities over time. This is often the case among older adults and people who have hearing loss running in their family. If you think this may apply to you, it may be wise to re-evaluate the suitability of your hearing aids every few years and consider buying a replacement, even if your existing aids are in good working order. It may simply be that you now need to have the volume set a little higher, or it may be that there is a newer model of aid available which is better suited to address your current hearing challenges. This is something you should discuss with your hearing care provider before making a decision.
Do your aids need to be repaired more regularly?
Depending on the type of hearing aid you wear, it is perfectly normal to need repairs to be conducted about once a year. If you have found that your hearing aids need repairs more frequently in later years, it could be time to consider purchasing a newer device. One survey found that most hearing aid manufacturers only produce replacement parts for models that are up to and including five years old. Consequently, if your hearing aid is an older model it is likely that it is being repaired using reconditioned (second-hand) parts. This could cause an increase in frequency of repairs, as reconditioned parts can wear out more quickly.
If you feel it may be time to purchase a more up-to-date hearing aid, be sure to discuss your concerns with your hearing care provider before rushing out to buy a new device. If your concerns are regarding performance, it is usually worth seeing if your aid can be adjusted or repaired before spending money on a costly replacement. If your concerns are regarding the suitability of your aid, it is imperative that you consult a hearing care professional in order to ensure that you make the best choice of new aid for your personal requirements.