Who Should Get A Hearing Test?
When we think of hearing tests, the ones carried out by licensed audiologists that may result in the patient getting a hearing aid, we generally think of senior citizens: our grandmas and grandpas, the elderly guy tottering down the street.
But that’s not the only subset of people who should consider getting their hearing tested, far from it. Consider getting a hearing test if you fall into one of these demographics:
Did you know it is required in all 50 states to have infants born in the hospital screened for hearing loss? The reasoning behind these laws is that knowledge is power; as soon as a hearing defect is detected, the sooner it can be dealt with quickly and correctly. As a parent, make sure the hearing test is not overlooked among all the joy, madness or other health checks that accompany newborns.
People surrounded by noise
Individuals who work or spend a good chunk of recreational time around loud noise should have their hearing tested. Go to a concert every weekend? Work around industrial equipment? You should have your hearing tested regularly! Prolonged exposure to loud noises can erode your hearing health over time and may cause tinnitus. Don’t let this happen to you. Limit your exposure as much as you can and get your hearing checked.
Children and teens
Many of us remember taking hearing tests in school. Some of us can even still hear the audiologist say, “raise your hand when you hear the tone, put it down when the tone ends.” But getting your hearing tested as a kid isn’t merely nostalgic, it’s important. Some types of hearing loss are degenerative and happen over time. The hearing test that newborns get may not necessarily tell the whole story for the next 18 years, so it’s important that kids and teens get their hearing checked regularly.
Hearing loss symptoms
Even if you don’t fall into one of the above categories, there are a number of symptoms that indicate hearing loss. Many of these symptoms may seem harmless, but after years of neglect can lead to more serious emotional and physical problems, including social withdrawal and dementia. These hearing loss symptoms include:
- Others ask you to turn down the volume on radios or televisions
- You struggle to hear women or children
- You feel like people are constantly mumbling
- You have difficulty hearing in crowded places
- You can’t follow a conversation unless you can see the speaker’s face
- You have a ringing, buzzing or whistling in your ears
If you’re concerned you may be suffering from hearing loss, don’t hesitate to schedule a hearing test with an audiologist. Hearing tests are simple, pain-free and provide a wealth of important information regarding your auditory system.