Why Might My Hearing Aid Need Repairs?
There are a number of reasons why your hearing aid may need repairs. Because of how technically advanced hearing aids are, they’re prone to breaking down or having problems like any other electronic. If your hearing aid is on the fritz, try the following troubleshooting tips. If your hearing aid still isn’t working after trying these steps, schedule an appointment with an audiologist in your area.
- No sound. If your hearing aid has no sound it could indicate that repairs are needed. Before scheduling an appointment with your audiologist, check the following things: make sure your batteries have been changed and they’re inserted the proper way. If your batteries are all set, check to make sure your hearing aid is actually powered on and isn’t switched into the wrong mode.
- Whistling. If you’re experiencing whistling with your hearing aid, there are a few things you can check. First, make sure your hearing aid is completely clean and free of debris. Earwax has a way of working itself into important ports or microphones and can cause that whistling noise you’re hearing. Additionally, make sure you have properly inserted your hearing aid into your ear. An ill-fitting hearing aid is one of the most common reasons for feedback and whistling issues.
- Tubing. Tubing in any BTE hearing aid will be needed to be changed from time to time. When the tubing is damaged or cracked it can cause problems to the sound and integrity of the hearing aid. It can cause sound quality issues or can allow moisture to get into the hearing aid and cause internal damage, so be sure to keep an eye on the quality of your hearing aid tubing to help avoid costly repairs in the future!
- Moisture. Moisture is not a friend to hearing aids and can cause serious and irreversible damage to your devices. Whenever moisture is present it is important to remove your hearing aids at once. Even steam from a boiling pot of water can cause damage to your hearing aids. Be sure to keep your hearing aids in a safe and dry place when not using them and if moisture is a problem for you talk to your audiologist right away.
In the event these tips don’t get your devices working again, schedule an appointment with your audiologist to find out if hearing aid repairs are needed. Your audiologist can perform many simple repairs in their office and can also offer professional cleanings and checks.